Mrs. Dowdy's Classroom Website


Hello class of 2017-2018 welcome to 2nd grade! I am so excited to be your teacher and to teach you everything I can. We are going to have a fun year together. Here are a few things you can expect to see on the website; classroom behavioral expectational, objectives for this year, procedures and rules, reward system and grades. This is a great way to communicate with me, feel free to

contact me during office hours or email. Image result for back pack Clip Art

My Teaching Philosophy 

My Teaching Philosophy is very simple. Every day is a new day! I believe every student deserves a chance. I am here to teach, and support the children in my classroom. With the support of the student's guardian, I am here to prepare the students for the next grade. I teach with a passion. God has put me in the path of teaching and I feel that this is where I should be. I treat every child as if they were my own. I respect my students as they should respect me. This year is going to be a great year. GO HAWKS!


  • How Student’s enter the Room: Please enter Quietly, Find your Seat, Take out your materials and bell work.
  • Classroom DiscussionsI want to hear from EVERYONE, if you have a different question, ask at the appropriate time, there is NO wrong Answer 
  • Absent work/Late Work: Look in absent folder and complete all work by FRIDAY. If you are absent on Friday- please have it done by the next WednesdayIf you missed a test, please schedule a time to make up the test. Late Work is Not accepted, unless Absent . 
  • Dismissal: Clean your desk and the surrounding area, take the trash to the trash can. Wait for me to diss miss you . Push in your chair and leave quietly
  • Digital Citizenship: Please use correct Grammar when communicatingNo foul language, we respect everyone. 


Non- FictionImage result for charlotte's web


Genre: Documentary- Fun- Informative


Charlotte's Web 



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Parents/ Guardians may contact me through email or phone. The best way to communicate with me is through email. I will have Parent/ Guardian meetings throughout the year, feel free to schedule an appointment with me. 

     My Office Hours: Monday- Friday 8:00- 9:30 



Student's will be given a planner that will be sent home every single day. Planners need to be signed every day, and brought back the very next day. Folders will be sent home every Friday, in the folder will include their graded assignments for the week. If their is missing assignments due to an absent ,students have until that Monday to make up the work.